GitHub Pages
GitHub Pages is a static website hosting service for personal, organizational, or project-specific pages that are driven directly from your GitHub repository.You can use either HTML or Markdown to create the pages. It is a static site hosting service so it doesn't support server-side code such as PHP, Ruby, or Python.
GitHub Pages can work with any static site generator, but for ease of use it is tightly integrated with the Jekyll static site generator.
You feed it Markdown text and it cranks out a static website, using kramdown to parse the Markdown syntax to generate the HTML pages.
A website generated by GitHub Pages is hosted at<username>.github.io
where <username>
is the name of your GitHub account.
GitHub Pages generates the web site from content stored in a repository that you create using the same name.
Follow the instructions here to create your new repository
Clone the repository to your development environment so that you can work on it using your favourite editor, then push the changes back up to GitHub. After a moment or two, you will see the fruits of your labours by browsing to
The next section describes how to install Jekyll and use it to generate the website.
Jekyll development environment
Install RVM and Ruby
Jekyll is a Ruby Gem that must be installed on your system, which in my case is a Centos 7 workstation. These instructions should work for other RPM-based distros like RHEL or Fedora.The pre-requisites are Ruby version 2.4.0 or above, as well as GCC and Make.
Install the development tools group which includes GCC and Make:
$ sudo yum update -y $ sudo yum install @development-toolsThe version of Ruby in the Centos 7 repo does not meet the requirements (it is version 2.0), so build the Ruby Version Manager RVM and use it to install the latest version.
Get the GPG keys and install RVM:
$ sudo gpg2 --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys \ 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 \ 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB $ sudo \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stableNote that for reasons best known to the RVM developers, they have prefixed the curl command with a backslash to suppress any aliases for curl. It is not a typo.
Add your Linux user to the RVM group so that it can be used as a non-root user:
$ sudo usermod -a -G rvm <devuser> $ sudo getent group rvm rvm:x:1001:<devuser>where
is your Linux username.
Logout and login again to activate the group membership.
List all known rubies to find the latest version of Ruby:
$ rvm list known | lessInstall the latest version (2.6 in this case) and check the version numbers:
$ rvm install ruby-2.6 $ rvm use 2.6 --default $ ruby -v ruby 2.6.0p0 (2018-12-25 revision 66547) [x86_64-linux] $ gem -v 3.0.1Install Jekyll and the gem bundler:
$ gem install jekyll bundler
Generate a Jekyll website
Now we will use Jekyll to generate the website from scratch, replacing the simple version you created above, as follows:$ rm -rf <username>.github.io $ jekyll new <username>.github.ioFire it up:
$ cd <username>.github.io $ bundle exec jekyll serveBrowse to http://localhost:4000 to see your new site.
to change the blog title and other site-specific details. The inaugural post is in _posts/yyyy-mm-dd-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
. Edit it as you see fit.
Note that the default site that Jekyll generated is powered by two gems:
gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.5" gem "minima", "~> 2.0"Before you publish the website to
, replace these two with the github-pages
gem that has been commented out in the Gemfile, to get the full value of GitHub Pages. Edit your Gemfile to delete these two default Jekyll gems and replace them with the gem that contains the GitHub Pages functionality by uncommenting the line gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
then update the site to install the gems:$ vi Gemfile $ bundle updateStop and restart the site to make sure all is well.
Publish to github.io
To publish this on github.io, you need to push the newly generated contents to the repo that you created above.Initialize the current working directory as a Git repository:
$ git initStage and commit the files:
$ git add --all $ git commit -m "Initial commit"Link your newly generated website to the repo
that you created above by adding the URL of the project repo to the origin of the local git repo and push the contents to GitHub:
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:<username>/<username>.github.io.git $ git push -u origin master --forceThe
option will overwrite the contents of the GitHub repo with the contents of the newly generated website, so be careful.Migrate Blogger posts
Migrating your Blogger posts is straightforward because Jekyll provides importers to move from other blog platforms.Follow these instructions to create a backup file of your Blogger posts called
.Import the posts into Jekyll:
$ ruby -r rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import"; JekyllImport::Importers::Blogger.run({ "source" => "/path/to/blog-MM-DD-YYYY.xml", "no-blogger-info" => false, "replace-internal-link" => false, })'
This will generate the posts in
Note that “Labels” will be included in the export as “Tags”.If you uploaded images to your Blogger posts, they will be visible as links to your original blog, so you will have to download them and insert them locally before you decommission the old blog.
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