Sunday 28 July 2019

NextCloud on RHEL 8

Cloud Storage under your control

If you too are wary of storing your personal or corporate data on a public cloud under conditions over which you have no control, and if you have your own hardware and technical skills, consider Nextcloud, a software suite written in PHP that you can run on your own private servers to provide similar functionality as DropBox, Google Docs or Microsoft OneDrive.

It is open source software, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License which guarantees that you can use, study, share and improve the software without any legal risks, so there is no cost if you are prepared to support it yourself, though the Nextcloud OEM offers Enterprise Subscriptions if you need additional features and access to technical expertise and capabilities from them.

The generic installation instructions are here, but to make life easier, here is a more specific guide to install Nextcloud on Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 and PostgreSQL, running on Apache.


Conveniently, RHEL 8 provides all the prerequisites with the recommended versions straight out of the box. Install as root, or run with sudo, the instructions that follow.

PHP 7.2

Install the following PHP modules:
# dnf install -y php php-gd php-mbstring php-intl php-json \
php-zip php-process php-xml php-bz2 php-fileinfo php-intl php-pgsql
List the PHP modules that have been installed to check that all PHP prerequisites have been met:
# php -m
Note that you may come across instructions that include php-imagick, but this is no longer recommended for security reasons (though you could still install it manually if this is a deal-breaker).

Apache HTTP 2.4

If you haven't already installed and enabled Apache, do so now:
# dnf install -y httpd
# systemctl enable httpd
# systemctl start httpd
Open port 80 on the firewall:
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
HTTP is OK for basic installation purposes, but you must get a SSL certificate and use HTTPS on port 443 to secure the service in production.

Check that the Apache server has loaded all the required PHP modules by creating a file called 'phpinfo.php' under the Apache base directory '/var/www/html/' with the following content:
     phpinfo ();
Browse to 'http://<your-server>/phpinfo.php' and admire your progress so far. Don't forget to delete it immediately after congratulating yourself. No point in giving miscreants more information than they need to know.

PostgreSQL 10.6

Nextcloud recommends MySQL or MariaDB, but PostgreSQL has enterprise-strength features that the other two do not provide, so use it instead:
# dnf install -y postgresql-server postgresql
Initialise the database:
# postgresql-setup --initdb
 * Initializing database in '/var/lib/pgsql/data'
 * Initialized, logs are in /var/lib/pgsql/initdb_postgresql.log
Start PostgreSQL and enable it to start after reboot:
# systemctl start postgresql
# systemctl enable postgresql
Check that it is running by listing processes listening to port 5432:
# lsof -i tcp:5432
postmaste 6629 postgres    4u  IPv6  65975      0t0  TCP localhost:postgres (LISTEN)
postmaste 6629 postgres    5u  IPv4  65976      0t0  TCP localhost:postgres (LISTEN)
Set the password for the database administrator user postgres:
# su - postgres
$ psql
psql (10.6)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \password postgres
Enter new password: 
Enter it again: 
postgres=# \q
$ exit
Configure PostgreSQL to listen for connections from the outside world by editing '/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf' with your favourite text editor and set listen_addresses:
listen_addresses = '*'
Enable MD5-encrypted password authentication from localhost by editing '/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf' as follows:
# IPv4 local connections:
host all          all         md5
Now you should be able to connect to the database from any user on the server:
# psql -h localhost -U postgres
Password for user postgres: 
psql (10.6)
Type "help" for help.
Note that if you are unable to connect with 'psql -h localhost -U postgres', but 'psql -h -U postgres' works okay, check that your '/etc/hosts' is correctly resolving 'localhost' to the local loopback address ''  .

Install NextCloud


Download these files from here to a convenient place (such as '/tmp'):
# cd /tmp
# wget
# wget
Verify the checksums to ensure integrity:
# sha256sum nextcloud-16.0.3.tar.bz2
a13f68ce47a1362318629ba5b118a59fa98358bb18f4afc371ea15104f2881f3  nextcloud-16.0.3.tar.bz2
# cat nextcloud-16.0.3.tar.bz2.sha256
a13f68ce47a1362318629ba5b118a59fa98358bb18f4afc371ea15104f2881f3  nextcloud-16.0.3.tar.bz2
They are the same, so proceed to untar the application to the Apache directory:
# tar -xvjf nextcloud-16.0.3.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/html/
Manually create a data folder for use by the installation wizard later on:
# mkdir /var/www/html/nextcloud/data
Change the ownership of the '/var/www/html/nextcloud' directory to allow the Apache server access:
# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/nextcloud


By default RHEL 8 implements SELinux security policies. Check the status as follows:
# getenforce
If 'Enforcing' either turn off SELinux by editing '/etc/selinux/config' to set SELINUX=disabled and reboot (not recommended), or configure SELinux appropriately as per this (recommended):
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/var/www/html/nextcloud/data(/.*)?'
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/var/www/html/nextcloud/config(/.*)?'
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/var/www/html/nextcloud/apps(/.*)?'
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/var/www/html/nextcloud/.htaccess'
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/var/www/html/nextcloud/.user.ini'
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/var/www/html/nextcloud/3rdparty/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/data/logs(/.*)?'

# restorecon -Rv '/var/www/html/nextcloud/'

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
# setsebool -P httpd_execmem 1
# systemctl reload php-fpm

Create database

Create an empty database for use by Nextcloud:
# su - postgres
ALTER DATABASE nextcloud OWNER TO nextcloud;

Fire up Nextcloud

Restart the Apache instance:
# systemctl restart httpd

Browse to 'http://your-server-ip/nextcloud' and, all being well, you should see:
Create an admin account and enter the PostgreSQL details:
Then click Finish setup.

Monday 15 April 2019

GitHub Pages and Jekyll themes

By default, a newly generated Jekyll site uses a theme called Minima. It is a simple, spartan theme with very little to recommend it, so I decided to replace it with one of the supported themes instead.

GitHub Pages Supported Themes
According to the documentation, it should be easy enough: just edit _config.yml and replace minima with the name of the new theme, jekyll-theme-tactile for example.

Actually it was not so easy because the other themes have a more simplistic layout scheme than the Minima theme, so when you serve up the site, you end up with error messages about missing layouts.

The end result is a blank screen and lots of beating your head on the keyboard.

Jekyll layouts

The default Jekyll theme minima has four built-in layouts that are used by different pages of the blog.

When you switch to one of the other GitHub Pages themes, the new theme might only have the default.html layout, so when you switch from Minima to Tactile or Cayman, for example, you will get a blank page because the other layouts are missing.

If you examine the source code of the Minima theme, you will see that there are four layout files in the _layouts folder:

  • default.html: the default base layout
  • home.html: layout for the home page
  • page.html: layout for other pages such as About, Contacts etc
  • post.html: layout for the blog posts

The first step to sorting the problem out is to copy the missing layout files from the minima theme into your own _layouts folder. Don't copy the file default.html for now, just the missing files:

├── _layouts
│   ├── home.html
│   ├── page.html
│   └── post.html

Now you can change the theme without triggering error messages and the site will be visible.

Note that the website will fall back to use the default.html layout that is baked into in the gem of the new theme that you selected, so it may or may not have the functionality you require.

The next step is to use the default.html layout file from the theme that you have chosen as the basis for improving the functionality.

I am using jekyll-theme-tactile, so copy default.html from the Tactile repo to your _layouts folder.

├── _layouts
│   ├── default.html (from the repo of the theme you selected)
│   ├── home.html    (from minima)
│   ├── page.html    (from minima)
│   └── post.html    (from minima)

Commit your changes and push to GitHub:

$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "Add missing layouts"
$ git push

You will not see any changes when you reload the website, but now you have the raw material to build a more usable site.


The first thing I did was to add a favicon to the site.

Create favicon.png from an image using GIMP or an on-line tool like faviconit, then copy the image to the root folder of your site and add this line to the <head> section of default.html:
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png">
Protip: if you don't see the favicon after you have pushed to, clear your cache and refresh the page. Most browsers should respond to Ctrl+F5 to do the same thing.

Clickable title

Make the title a hyperlink to the site to make it easier to navigate back to Home by adding this line to the <header> section of the <body> of default.html:
<h1><a class="site-title" rel="author" 
      href="{{ "/" | relative_url }}">{{ site.title | escape }}</a></h1>

Further reading

Shout out to this blog post which was extremely helpful when I first hit problems with Jekyll theming.

This book Creating Blogs with Jekyll is a good guide to static website generators.

Sunday 14 April 2019

GitHub Pages, Jekyll and Centos 7

I have been digging into GitHub Pages as an alternative blog platform in case Blogger follows Google+ to the Great Big BitBucket in the Sky. WordPress is an obvious alternative to Blogger but GitHub Pages offers a simpler escape route.

This post describes how to create and maintain a personal web site on GitHub Pages, and to migrate Blogger content to the new site.

GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is a static website hosting service for personal, organizational, or project-specific pages that are driven directly from your GitHub repository.

You can use either HTML or Markdown to create the pages. It is a static site hosting service so it doesn't support server-side code such as PHP, Ruby, or Python.

GitHub Pages can work with any static site generator, but for ease of use it is tightly integrated with the Jekyll static site generator.

You feed it Markdown text and it cranks out a static website, using kramdown to parse the Markdown syntax to generate the HTML pages.

A website generated by GitHub Pages is hosted at <username> where <username> is the name of your GitHub account.

GitHub Pages generates the web site from content stored in a repository that you create using the same name.

Follow the instructions here to create your new repository <username>

Clone the repository to your development environment so that you can work on it using your favourite editor, then push the changes back up to GitHub. After a moment or two, you will see the fruits of your labours by browsing to https://<username>

You could continue to work on this simple local copy to build up a functionally rich website, but you will have to set up a Jekyll development environment to do things like migrate posts from Blogger.

The next section describes how to install Jekyll and use it to generate the website.

Jekyll development environment

Install RVM and Ruby

Jekyll is a Ruby Gem that must be installed on your system, which in my case is a Centos 7 workstation. These instructions should work for other RPM-based distros like RHEL or Fedora.

The pre-requisites are Ruby version 2.4.0 or above, as well as GCC and Make.

Install the development tools group which includes GCC and Make:
$ sudo yum update -y
$ sudo yum install @development-tools
The version of Ruby in the Centos 7 repo does not meet the requirements (it is version 2.0), so build the Ruby Version Manager RVM and use it to install the latest version.

Get the GPG keys and install RVM:
$ sudo gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys \
    409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 \
$ sudo \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Note that for reasons best known to the RVM developers, they have prefixed the curl command with a backslash to suppress any aliases for curl. It is not a typo.

Add your Linux user to the RVM group so that it can be used as a non-root user:
$ sudo usermod -a -G rvm <devuser>
$ sudo getent group rvm
where <devuser> is your Linux username.

Logout and login again to activate the group membership.

List all known rubies to find the latest version of Ruby:
$ rvm list known | less
Install the latest version (2.6 in this case) and check the version numbers:
$ rvm install ruby-2.6
$ rvm use 2.6 --default

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.6.0p0 (2018-12-25 revision 66547) [x86_64-linux]

$ gem -v
Install Jekyll and the gem bundler:
$ gem install jekyll bundler

Generate a Jekyll website

Now we will use Jekyll to generate the website from scratch, replacing the simple version you created above, as follows:
$ rm -rf <username>
$ jekyll new <username>
Fire it up:
$ cd <username>
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
Browse to http://localhost:4000 to see your new site. 

Edit _config.yml to change the blog title and other site-specific details. The inaugural post is in _posts/yyyy-mm-dd-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown. Edit it as you see fit.

Note that the default site that Jekyll generated is powered by two gems:
gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.5"
gem "minima", "~> 2.0"
Before you publish the website to, replace these two with the github-pages gem that has been commented out in the Gemfile, to get the full value of GitHub Pages. Edit your Gemfile to delete these two default Jekyll gems and replace them with the gem that contains the GitHub Pages functionality by uncommenting the line gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins then update the site to install the gems:
$ vi Gemfile
$ bundle update
Stop and restart the site to make sure all is well.

Publish to

To publish this on, you need to push the newly generated contents to the repo that you created above.

Initialize the current working directory as a Git repository:
$ git init
Stage and commit the files:
$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
Link your newly generated website to the repo <username> that you created above by adding the URL of the project repo to the origin of the local git repo and push the contents to GitHub:
$ git remote add origin<username>/<username>
$ git push -u origin master --force
The --force option will overwrite the contents of the GitHub repo with the contents of the newly generated website, so be careful.

Migrate Blogger posts

Migrating your Blogger posts is straightforward because Jekyll provides importers to move from other blog platforms.

Follow these instructions to create a backup file of your Blogger posts called blog-MM-DD-YYYY.xml.

Import the posts into Jekyll:
$ ruby -r rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import";{
      "source"                => "/path/to/blog-MM-DD-YYYY.xml",
      "no-blogger-info"       => false, 
      "replace-internal-link" => false, 

This will generate the posts in _posts. Note that “Labels” will be included in the export as “Tags”.

If you uploaded images to your Blogger posts, they will be visible as links to your original blog, so you will have to download them and insert them locally before you decommission the old blog.

Thursday 27 July 2017

iDempiere and Buckminster: building a web-based OSGi application

iDempiere and Buckminster

iDempiere is an open source, web-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that has been built with tools from the Java world, but instead of using a familiar build automation tool like Maven, or a newer tool like Gradle, the iDempiere team used Buckminster to manage the build.

We tackled OSGi in an earlier post, now Buckminster as well? OK, roll up your sleeves...

This post looks at the use of Buckminster in the iDempiere project so that we can get a better understanding of the build process, and why Buckminster was used.

What is Buckminster?

Buckminster is a set of frameworks and tools for automating build, assemble and deploy processes. The project is named after the architect R. Buckminster Fuller who said about problem-solving "when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."

R. Buckminster Fuller
The problem that Buckminster is trying to solve is how to build and assemble multiple software components from multiple sources in combinations that are specific to a given target platform.

Buckminster uses a Component Query (or CQUERY) to identify the components and their associated component information and create a bill of materials (BOM). It then locates all the components in the BOM using a Resource Map (or RMAP) and materializes the project by copying them into the target platform, resolving the dependencies according to the work context, system setup or operating system.


In the context of iDempiere, a component is a collection of files that make up an OSGi bundle, or plug-in, and in the context of the Eclipse IDE, a component may be an Eclipse project. Components can also exist outside the workspace, and they may be dependent on other components. 

RMAP component location mapping
Buckminster can store component information as a Component Specification (CSPEC) in an XML file inside the component, but it is also able to read meta-data from pre-existing sources such as plugin.xml, feature.xml, POM files, etc, and translate such information on-the-fly into CSPEC, which it does in the case of iDempiere.

Buckminster allows you to retrieve components from existing repositories and component formats, such as CVS, SVN, git, Maven, or p2 repositories. This enables the iDempiere team to integrate existing Adempiere code with bespoke iDempiere plug-ins and other third-party modules, without reconfiguring them.

Note that Buckminster can get the same component from different repositories, depending on the circumstances (different geographic locations, for example, or different software development environments like DEV, TEST, QA, PROD, and so on), making it easy to build your own on-site repositories for iDempiere.

Materializing iDempiere in Eclipse

Materialization Specification (MSPEC)

When you install iDempiere in an Eclipse development environment, you must first materialize the project by using a wizard to populate the workspace from the Buckminster Materialization Specification (MSPEC):

File > Import > Buckminster > Materialize from Buckminster MSPEC, CQUERY, or BOM > 
URL: $IDEMPIERE_HOME/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.mspec

where $IDEMPIERE_HOME is the root directory of your iDempiere download.

The iDempiere MSPEC instructs Buckminster to install the materialized components in ${workspace.root}/targetPlatform/, using the Component Query in adempiere.cquery, and gives the MSPEC a human-readable name:

Component Query (CQUERY)

Buckminster then reads the Component Query from the CQUERY file named in the MSPEC, triggering its resolution and provisioning process. The CQUERY tells Buckminster where to find the Resource Map, adempiere.rmap, and also defines a number of advisorNodes which specify how groups of components should be handled.

The CQUERY resolution runs for a few minutes to build the Bill of Materials. The wizard gives you the option of saving the BOM to a file if you are interested in reading 20,097 lines of XML.

Resource map (RMAP)

Finally, Buckminster materializes the BOM by looking in the Resource Map (RMAP) for the location of the components and copying the JARs to the targetPlatform.

Note: materialization takes a very looooooong time, so put the kettle on and read the BuckyBook, the definitive guide to Buckminster (perhaps not: see below).


After this post was written, Low Heng Sin, one of the core architects of iDempiere, explained to me that they used Buckminster because Maven was not capable of building Eclipse plug-ins when the project started.

Since then the Tycho set of plug-ins and extensions has been developed to build OSGi bundles using Maven.  Tycho uses OSGi metadata and OSGi rules to deduce project dependencies dynamically and inject them into the Maven project model at build time.

The development of Buckminster appears to have come to a halt so Tycho may be a better bet for new OSGi projects.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

iDempiere and OSGi: a modular Java architecture

iDempiere and Modularity

iDempiere is an open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that describes itself as "OSGi + ADempiere", but what does that mean in practice? 

This post describes OSGi and the technology stack that was used to build iDempiere so that developers and solution architects can see how the system hangs together.

History of iDempiere

In the beginning, there was Compiere ("to accomplish, complete, fulfill" in Italian), an open source ERP system that was started in 1999. Initially it was very successful but after a long-standing disagreement between the developer community and the management company behind Compiere about its monetization strategy, the project was forked by a number of developers to create ADempiere (a word like 'compiere', but with the additional sense of "to fulfil obligations, or discharge duties", and also "to honor and respect").

ADempiere was also very successful, but its monolithic design had a number of limitations so some of the core architects forked the codebase in 2011 to create a more modular system called iDempiere, based on the OSGi specification.

OSGi and modularity

The OSGi specification defines a dynamic component system for Java. It is a specification that describes how individual bundles of code, also known as plug-ins, can be connected together in a dynamic way by a services layer that offers a publish-find-bind model for plain old Java objects (POJOs).

In standard Java everything in a JAR may be visible to all other JARs, but with OSGi, everything in that JAR is hidden unless it is explicitly exported in a predetermined manner. There is no sharing by default, so a bundle that wants to use another JAR must explicitly import the parts it needs. Conversely, a bundle must explicitly export functionality that is to be used by other bundles.

OSGi layered architecture
OSGi does this by specifying a layered model to manage plug-ins:
  • Bundles: these are the OSGi plug-in components that deliver the application functionality, consisting of POJOs with additional meta-data defined in the MANIFEST.MF file. Bundles hide their internals from other bundles and communicate through well defined services. Bundles are self-contained, reusable units of deployable code, usually in the form of a JAR;
  • Services: this layer connects bundles in a dynamic way by offering a publish-find-bind model for the POJOs registered in the service registry. Without OSGi, the standard Java solution is to use static factory methods and Java Reflection to load classes dynamically, resulting is a variety of passive, non-standard APIs and configuration mechanisms;
  • Life-Cycle: the API that allows you to list, install, start, stop, update, and uninstall bundles on the fly without bringing down the whole system. Bundles can be managed directly from the OSGi console command line interface and they can be managed remotely;
  • Modules: the layer that defines how a bundle's dependencies are managed by importing and exporting code according to the bundle's manifest. Modules are discrete, coarse-grained deployable units;
  • Security: the layer that handles  security by separating bundles from each other and enforcing permissions to allow or deny bundles access to each other;
  • Execution Environment: the underpinning OSGi platform that manages the containers. Like the Eclipse IDE, iDempiere is built on Equinox, which is the reference implementation of the OSGi specification (two other notable implementations of OSGi are Knopflerfish OSGi and Apache Felix).

Modular structure of iDempiere

The team that forked the code partitioned the monolithic Adempiere application into a large number of plug-ins, each with its own classpath and set of dependencies. If you download the iDempiere codebase and open it with Eclipse, you will see that it consists of dozens of projects: one for each OSGi bundle, or plug-in. 

This allows developers to create custom-built plug-ins without touching the upstream codebase. The Equinox OSGi container manages these plug-ins as free-standing, deployable Java objects that interact with the rest of the core iDempiere bundles by means of APIs.

Bundles are managed in a service registry

The advantages are:
  • explicit dependency management: iDempiere plug-ins declare what they need and what functionality they provide, whilst otherwise remaining isolated from each other;
  • versioned dependency: you can have different versions of the same Java class in different bundles if necessary because your plug-in's dependencies are managed by the OSGi container, not the JVM;
  • small footprint: plug-ins are not packaged with all their dependencies, and they follow a lazy activation policy so they are only loaded as and when required;
  • easy release: plug-ins can be developed and released independently of upstream developments;
  • hot redeploy: individual plug-ins can be redeployed on the fly without affecting the others.

Core iDempiere plug-ins


Now that we have looked at OSGi, let's dig deeper into the structure of iDempiere and look at the core plug-ins that make up the application.

When iDempiere starts, a Bash shell script executes the Equinox OSGi launcher org.eclipse.equinox.launcher, passing it the name of the initial executable entry point as a runtime option, namely org.adempiere.server.application. This Java class implements the Equinox OSGi IApplication interface and starts the application.

The manifest of org.adempiere.server directs Equinox to load these bundles as dependencies:
  • implementation of the Equinox OSGi Application Container service;
  • org.eclipse.jetty.apache-jsp: support for JSP in the embedded Jetty HTTP container;
  • org.adempiere.base: the core functionality of iDempiere.

Equinox OSGi Application Container

The Equinox OSGi framework implementation is probably better known as the foundation of the Eclipse IDE platform, but it is actually a standalone OSGi implementation. It is launched by the org.adempiere.server plug-in when iDempiere is started and is responsible for loading all the other iDempiere plug-ins and managing the relationships and dependencies between them.

Read this tutorial on OSGi modularity with Eclipse by the ever-dependable Lars Vogel, and watch this video by Kirk Knoernschild, the author of "Java Application Architecture: Modularity Patterns with Examples Using OSGi", for a very useful overview of the current state of modularity on the Java platform.

Jetty HTTP Server

iDempiere uses the Jetty OSGi infrastructure to embed an HTTP server inside an OSGi container. This hosts the static content, servlets, OSGi web bundles (the OSGi equivalent of WAR files), and provides support for the Java ServerPages (JSPs) used by the original Adempiere code.

In production, it would be wise to put a reverse proxy in front of Jetty, running web application security software such as mod_security. Jetty can expose JMX services which should be monitored in a production environment. The Jetty configuration files are in $IDEMPIERE_HOME/jettyhome/etc/.


This is the base plug-in that provides all the core functionality needed to build iDempiere plug-ins and includes interfaces such as:
  • IResourceFinder: finds resources in each plugin;
  • IColumnCallout: called whenever a column on a table changes its value;
  • IModelValidator: called whenever a record is saved;
  • IMenuAction: called whenever a window menu is created;
  • IModelFactory: called to create new class models;
  • and many others.

Wait, there's more...

These core plug-ins are at the heart of iDempiere, but there are many others that provide the application functionality, including the persistence layer, the report writer and the user interface, so follow the tutorial by Carlos Ruiz from GlobalQSS and download the code to explore further.

Here is a follow-up post that describes how Buckminster is used to build iDempiere on OSGi.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

PostgREST on RHEL 7.2

PostgREST is an HTTP server written in Haskell that serves a fully RESTful API from a PostgreSQL database. It generates the endpoints directly from the database schema so you do not have to write anything from scratch. You just download the binary, fire it up with a database connection string and you are good to go.

You won't find it as a .deb or .rpm package at the time of writing, so you have to install it manually and create your own startup scripts.

In this post I will describe how to do this on a Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 7.2) server in a managed SELinux context. The PostgreSQL database instance runs on the same server in this example.

Note that RHEL 7.2 ships with PostgreSQL 9.2 which is not supported by PostgREST so you have to upgrade to version 9.3 or later from the PostgreSQL repositories.

Download, install and test the binary 

Download the tarball from the github repo. Select the Centos binary for compatibility with RHEL, then untar it and move it to a directory on the load path:
# tar -xvf postgrest-
# mv postgrest /usr/bin/postgrest
Test the installation of the binary by invoking the --help dialogue:
# postgrest --help
Usage: postgrest DB_URL (-a|--anonymous ROLE) [-s|--schema NAME]
    [-p|--port PORT] [-j|--jwt-secret SECRET] [-o|--pool COUNT]
    [-m|--max-rows COUNT]
  PostgREST / create a REST API to an existing Postgres database
Now that you have confirmed that PostgREST is accessible, create a test database called 'demo1' by following the Getting Started instructions here, or use an existing database, and run PostgREST:
# postgrest postgres://postgres:my_pass@localhost:5432/demo1 -a postgres -p 5438
   WARNING, running in insecure mode, JWT secret is the default value
   Listening on port 5438
  • postgres:my_pass is the authenticator role (with password 'my_pass') that handles the initial HTTP requests. For the purposes of this example, it is the default PostgreSQL role; 
  • demo1 is the name of the test database that will be exposed by the API; 
  • -a postgres is the name of the role that will handle unauthenticated anonymous requests; and
  • -p 5438 is the port number that PostgREST will use to listen to HTTP requests. Note that by default PostgREST uses port 3000, but this port is managed by SELinux for other purposes, so use 5438 instead because it is unmanaged, and it is close to the default PostgreSQL port number so it is easy to remember. 

Send a simple HTTP GET request to the PostgREST port 5438:
# curl http://localhost:5438
If all is well, PostgREST will return a JSON string with a list of tables and views that are accessible in the database schema:


It's that straight forward!

Open the firewall 

The RHEL firewall on the server will block access from the network to the server, so we have to add the PostgREST port 5438 to the public zone and make it permanently available:
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5438/tcp --permanent
Reload the firewall and check that the port is open:
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
   443/tcp 139/tcp 22/tcp 5432/tcp 5438/tcp 80/tcp 445/tcp 137/tcp
Now you should be able to access the API from a client workstation (where my_server_IP is the hostname or IP address of your PostgREST server):
# curl http://my_server_IP:5438

Create a systemd service

RHEL 7.2 uses systemd to manage the initialisation of services (yes, haters gonna hate), so create a system user to run the service and define a custom systemd service to automate the startup of PostgREST.

Create a system user postgrest with no login shell to run the PostgREST daemon:
# useradd -r -s /usr/bin/nologin postgrest
and create a service description /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgrest.service with the following contents:
Description=PostgREST Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/postgrest postgres://postgres:my_pass@localhost:5432/demo1 -a postgres -p 5438

Note that the entry 'After=postgresql-9.5.service' will cause the service to start after the initialisation of the database instance has been completed.

Enable the service and start it:
# systemctl enable postgrest
# systemctl start postgrest
It should now start automatically when the server starts up.

Creative Commons License
PostgREST API diagram by Taung Technologies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Tomcat 8 on Debian Jessie with PSI Probe and OpenNMS to monitor performance (Part 3)

We looked at Tomcat 8 in Part 1 of this series and at PSI Probe as a replacement for the default Tomcat Manager application in Part 2.

Now PSI Probe is great for managing Tomcat and its applications, but it does not actively generate alerts if Tomcat is in difficulty, or any other part of the application stack for that matter, so this is where OpenNMS plugs the gap.

Network Management with OpenNMS

If you cut your teeth on the mainframes of the recent past, you will be familiar with network management tools like HP OpenView and IBM Tivoli. These tools are famous for their complexity and cost, so alternatives like Nagios (subsequently forked as Icinga) and OpenNMS emerged as open source alternatives.

OpenNMS is a Java-based, agentless monitoring tool that uses SNMP to monitor devices on the network. It was designed to manage service level agreements, so in addition to fault reporting (with trouble ticketing), it has a large number of service monitors to report against service thresholds.

If your device is SNMP-enabled, OpenNMS will auto-discover the device, add it as another node to your network topology and start monitoring it immediately, including vending machines.

OpenNMS Installation

The instructions for installing on Debian are here, but I will deviate slightly because I want to install OpenNMS on a pre-existing installation of Postgresql 9.4 on another server.

Create a database for OpenNMS

Login to the database server (called 'my-database-ip' here) and create an empty database called 'opennms', owned by 'opennms':
# su - postgres
# psql -c "CREATE USER opennms WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'my-opennms-password';"

Install OpenNMS

On the server that you intend to run OpenNMS (called 'my-server-ip' here), add the OpenNMS repository to the APT sources list, add GPG key to verify the integrity of the package, update APT and install OpenNMS:
# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opennms.list
   deb stable main
# wget -O - | apt-key add -
# apt-get update
# apt-get install opennms
Once the installation is complete, the database must be initialised, but before you run the scripts, you must give OpenNMS access to the database that you created by configuring the datasources:
# vi /etc/opennms/opennms-datasources.xml
  <jdbc-data-source class-name="org.postgresql.Driver" database-name="opennms" name="opennms" password="my-opennms-password" url="jdbc:postgresql://my-database-ip:5432/opennms" user-name="opennms">
  <jdbc-data-source class-name="org.postgresql.Driver" database-name="template1" name="opennms-admin" password="my-postgres-password" url="jdbc:postgresql://my-database-ip:5432/template1" user-name="postgres">
Now configure the JRE for OpenNMS and then run the installation:
# /usr/share/opennms/bin/runjava -s
# /usr/share/opennms/bin/install -dis
Install the iplike package to optimize lookups based on IP addresses, and then start the service:
# /usr/sbin/
# systemctl start opennms
If all is well, you should be able to browse to your instance of OpenNMS at http://my-server-ip:8980 and log in with admin/admin.

You can check that all the daemons are running with:
# opennms -v status
Note that OpenNMS uses two ports that you should be aware of: an httpAdaptor at 8181 and the application itself running on Jetty at 8980.

Once you have completed the install, you may want to comment out the OpenNMS repository that you added to APT, to prevent unsolicited updates of OpenNMS, particularly in a Production environment.

Discover nodes

By default OpenNMS monitors no network nodes at all, so the very first thing to do is to register the nodes to be monitored.

You can do a range scan but that will register every device in the range, whether you want to manage it or not, so rather register the nodes explicitly.

There are a number of ways to do this, but since you already have the IP address, the easiest is to register it directly:

Admin > Configure OpenNMS > Configure Discovery > Specifics > Add new

This will open a pop-up where you enter the IP address of the node, in this case it would be my-server-ip.

Click on 'Add", then when the pop-up closes, click on 'Save and Restart Discovery'.

Wait a moment while the discovery daemon runs, then list the node that you registered:

Info > Nodes

Now that the node has been discovered, I will show you how to monitor the JVM using JMX and SNMP in a later post. In the meantime, play around with the Service Level Management functionality in OpenNMS that comes out of the box.